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Thursday, April 29, 2010


Bullying is something that goes on everyday, everywhere, no matter what we do. Say you don't have enough money to help Haiti. You can always have enough to stop bullying. Just speak up for the people that get picked on. Talk to the person who has no friends. It may seem liek nothing at first. But it will really help in the long run. As a youth we can stop out bullying on day at a time. Remember jsut because you are strong enough to stand up to somebody doesn't mean everyone else is. We need to shwo everyone God's love. We can do that through quiting bullying.

Thanks for listening,

Friday, April 23, 2010


hey guys, as you may know, yesterday was earth day! personally i think that is just INCREDIBLE a bunch of people taking a stand to try to perserve the world God has made for us. Earth Day was designed to raise awareness and appreciation for Earths enviroment. This incredible day started in 1970, April 22nd. 175 countrys are all in on this. If we all participate as well WE CAN mAKE A DIFFERENCE! So reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Keep it up! Even though earth day is over we can still carry on the habits we made yesterday.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

World Vision Child Sponsorship

Hey guys, The video i last posted is an important one. It is about child sponsorship through World Vision, a dollar a day is not alot. Some of us spend this much a day on gum. So just think give oen thing up adn you could change a life for some kid in a poorer country. I have seen first hand this works, it gives the kids a chance to go to school and learn and have medicine to be healthy. It is really worth it. That is just somethign to think about.

World Vision Child Sponsorship

Wavin Flag

Hey guys, buy this song on itunes! It's just plain incredible! A bunch of Canadians made a song which does 100% to Haiti relief! It's awsome! They have already made 9.4million dollars but are looking for more :) This is a great way to donate and get a song! Deffinately a win win situation as teh people in haiti are still in HUGE need of our help. thanks guys :) Drew

Young Artists For Haiti - Wavin' Flag

Global Warming 101